Category Archives: Private Practice

Security Considerations

Whilst I’ll presume that you know enough about the aesthetics of preparing a therapy room and to ensure that you have an basic office facility available, I’d be remiss not to highlight an important issue in private practice: that of personal security.  Please do consider the following issues: Geographical location: If your office is at

What are the Initial Considerations?

The first consideration, once you have said, “Yes, I’m definitely doing this” is WHERE?  By this, I don’t just mean, “Shall I convert the spare bedroom or see if I can rent an office in the GP surgery?”.  I also mean, location, location, location.  There is no doubt that every other issue concerning your brilliance

Are You Ready for Private Practice Yet?

The temptation exists for inexperienced counsellors to set up in private practice before they are ready for it. By “inexperienced”, I mean counsellors who are not robust enough in the widest sense to handle a broad cross-section of clients, who are not clinically experienced enough to deal successfully with therapeutic difficulties, and who are possibly

Is Private Practice for You?

Before making a final decision, it is worth looking at some of the basic pros and cons which may not yet have been especially drawn to your attention.  These considerations relate less to counselling per se, and more to the generic business model for self-employment. Firstly, if you have previously always worked as an employee,

Legal Requirements

Firstly and importantly, do make yourself familiar with the stipulations in the Data Protection Act.  Checking the present regulations, as well as keeping abreast of any further changes can be done by logging on to  The Data Protection Registrar is usually very helpful and in an attempt to make the process as simple as

An Introduction to Private Practice

Perhaps you have recently made a decision to enter private practice. Or you may already be working in this area and be interested in developing and expanding it – or, at this stage, you’re simply interested in learning more about what is involved in this area of counselling before you make a decision. So what

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