Developing a personal passion for evaluation

Recording client work helps me to analyse the work I actually do with clients rather than the work I ‘think’ I do.  Listening to the recording as well as sharing the contents with my counselling supervisor are also ways in which evaluation takes place. Some people may wonder why I have not mentioned the need

Getting Feedback from Clients is Essential

Undertaking regular reviews with clients is another way of evaluating progress as well as our relationship.  My review usually goes along the lines of asking the client to evaluate where they started (in terms of how they felt/initial presenting problem(s)), where they feel they are now (progress to date) and where they would like to

Is Evaluation Relevant for Counsellors?

I find it hard to understand why evaluation is seen in such a negative light by so many counsellors.  Is it good enough to simply ‘be there’ for the client?  If it is, how do we know that to be true?  What mechanism(s) do we employ at a personal level to validate our work? Apart

Counsellors are not immune from Stress!

As a counselling supervisor I see one of my responsibilities as helping supervisees consider the amount and type of counselling work they undertake, the range of activities they are involved in, the hours they work and the impact of any personal difficulties on the work with clients.  Considering the context in which the counsellor works

Recognising stress

The word stress has become part of our everyday language.  We talk about having a stressful week – when what we mean is we were really busy and are feeling a little tired.  We talk about how stressful the children have been – when we mean they have been naturally boisterous and we are felling

Expanding Your Practice

You’re more likely to flourish and do well if you expand your practice in a variety of different directions, rather than simply rely on adequate numbers of individual clients. Some of the areas that I, and other therapists I know, have developed successfully are: Teaching – very often, the college where you trained, and who

Referring on Clients

One of the basic concerns of therapists newly in private practice is how to deal with a client who, for whatever reasons, seems “beyond them”.  Firstly, do ensure that you have put together a list of specialist agencies and organisations who can deal with problems presented to you that are outside your experience or preferred

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