The right help at the right time

  This short series of blog posts is intended as a guideline for the practitioner to share with clients looking for the best solution to their individual situation. I am often asked what the difference is between coaching, counselling and psychotherapy and which type of help is best for what type of problem.  Having spent

Facing Your Fears

Research suggests that when you visualise a positive outcome you are more likely to get one. Coping imagery is used to prepare for difficult situations – for example, if you know you are meeting someone or doing something and just the thought of it makes you feel worried, angry or tense. All you need to

The “Rescue Remedy” for Anxiety

Here’s Part 2 of the No More Anxiety posts: The “Rescue Remedy” breathing exercise  So many relaxation exercises rely on you being able to take time out, lie down or, in some way, take you away from what you are doing.  This simple breathing exercise is one that you can do anywhere, even while holding

No More Anxiety

According to a report published by National Statistics, an independent research body, one in six adults aged 16 to 74 years have a common disorder such as anxiety. Clients who suffer from anxiety should benefit from cognitive-behavioural therapy or CBT as it is often called.  CBT is a form of therapy recommended by the NHS

Standing up for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

I well remember running a one-day post-trauma stress awareness training event for a group of psychodynamic and person-centered counsellors.  The day went well and the delegates were a trainer’s delight, keen and enthusiastic to learn.  However, as the day progressed and the questions became more searching, I knew it was only a matter of time

When Counselling doesn’t work

I remember reading two articles in the popular press, some time ago now.  The first told the story of a man struggling to control his depression and the second of a man unable to control his temper.  In both cases extensive counselling was undertaken but the ‘problem’ continued. Implicit in both articles was the belief

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