Learn How To Use Your Anger

Anger is one of those emotions that is much misunderstood.  There is nothing wrong with feeling angry as anger is one of the key driving forces behind change. How many times have you heard about a new law being passed due to the efforts of a group of people who felt anger over some kind

Therapist Self-Disclosure

Situation Susan is a woman in her 50s who has come for therapy to try to find reasons to continue living. She recently lost her partner of many years and has no close family or friends.  She has attempted suicide recently. It is difficult to make psychological contact with Susan as it seems as if she

When Payment Becomes an Issue

Many counsellors will appreciate that non-payment of fees may have a hidden meaning.  For example, the client may be angry with the counsellor and unable to assertively communicate his or her feelings or, perhaps, the client is re-enacting material from early life.  The counsellor needs to weight up all the relevant factors before embarking on

Causes of Poor Time Management

Poor organisation manifests itself in a number of different ways: poorly maintained filing systems, eg filing not done on a regular basis no system to identify relevant information, eg papers and documents – or their computer equivalent – simply ‘thrown into a pile’ indiscriminate retention of all that is received, thereby filling valuable space and

Time Management for Counsellors

Counsellors, like everyone else, need to know how to manage time effectively. For those moving into private practice, it can come as quite a shock to realise that there are many conflicting demands organising day-to-day activities, generating income and balancing business and professional matters as well as personal needs. Typical tasks in a working week To

Monitoring Effectiveness

Counsellors may also use client satisfaction or feedback forms as a way of collecting information which can help them monitor effectiveness (McMahon, 1998).  For those involved in research the need to design questionnaires which are both Valid and Reliable is given considerable importance.  Validity means the questionnaire measures what it claims to measure and reliability

Reflecting Through Counselling Supervision

The use of Counselling Supervision is another way in which counsellors reflect upon practice. Although Counselling Supervision has become a professional requirement it is welcomed by many counsellors as a rich source of support, learning, understanding and space for reflection and evaluation (Carroll, 1996).  For the purposes of this article emphasis is placed on the processes

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